Friday, October 17, 2008

Beautiful beaches, dirty feet, and Dancing with Mozambican pastors

As I flew into the small dusty airport in Pemba, I was greeted by many mud houses with thatched roofs and a beautiful beach overlooking the sparkling Indian ocean... and finally hundreds of beautiful african smiles at the children's village. I have 3 wonderful housemates and will be expecting 3 more in a few days. The red dirt is always with us to remind us that we are in Africa...i understand the meaning of Jesus washing the diciples feet so much more now. Your skin actually changes a whole shade when you take a shower...which you wish you could do like 4 times a day but due to water shortages... I'm more than thankful for one a day! We have been really enjoying the presence of the Lord during our worship and prayer times. We danced in some incredible African worship with the hundreds of Mozambican today that are being trained in the Bible school was a blast and soo beautiful to see the Kaliedoscope of God's family represented there! I spoke with one who is 24 and already pastors 3 churches!!
Early tomorrow morning we leave to go to minister in a village 3 days drive (in the back of a truck!!) from here... we will be gone about 12 days. Please pray for incredible deepening of relationships on this BONDING experience ... it can be tough to build deep friendships with soo many of us here... and that the Lord will go before us and prepare the way for an incredible move of His spirit... that Jesus would be lifted HIGH and lives would be transformed... beginning with mine!!! Please also be praying for safety and for me to not get car sick on the long trip!! :L) He is sooo good and I'm soo thankful to be witness of how great he truly is... and He is at work even at the ends of the earth. I love all of you and I thank you for holding me up in prayer!! I'm honored by your love. Blessings!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Another Adventure Awaits

Sweet Friends..

My heart is growing more and more eager to breathe in the air of the Indian Ocean, to feel the red African dust between my toes, and feel the arms of a precious orphan wrapped around my waist....but even more I can't wait to soak in the healing, transforming, empowering, freeing Presence of my heavenly Father.

For those of you who don't already know I will be embarking on yet another global adventure in just a few short days. I have the great joy and privilege of joining the Iris Ministries team in Pemba, Mozambique along with over 100 other students to sit at the feet of Jesus, worshipping and interceding for the world and for each other, and hopefully learning to be His hands and feet to the poorest of poor and to be a Light in the darkness. All in all, I will be there for 11 weeks in all.... giving me the joy of spending Christmas with the children!

During my time there, I will also be loving on the many orphans at the center, serving and blessing the long-term staff in any way I can, hopefully working in the medical clinic, and sharing the love Jesus has poured into my heart to surrounding bush villages by proclaiming His kindness, giving medical help, and intercession.

Please be praying:
  • Protection for me both physically and spiritually
  • I will begin again to dream His dreams for my life and for the world.
  • Most of all that: His kingdom will come and His Will be done both in me and through me over the next 11 weeks.
May my life never be the same after this pilgrimage with the Lover of my Soul!

More to come....
Until then...

I arrive in Pemba on Oct 15th so please lift up my travel from the 13th to the 15th... that it will be smooth, as restful as possible, and full of His presence and divine appointments!

Love you,

If you would like to join with me in this journey financially, I would be soo blessed!... you can send cash or a check made out to me to my parents address even after I have left!
Their address is:
425 Frost Rd.
Sandia Park, NM