Saturday, November 22, 2008

You Know You're In Mozambique When...

1. Your skin changes 3 whole shades when you take a bath.
2.You have to scare the pig and her babies out of the latrine before doing your business.
3.You're awoken to the human cuckoo clock at 4am.. only to find out its the village wichdoctor right outside your camp.
4. You don't think twice about piling 35 people, all their camping gear, a generator and sound system, 10 lbs of bananas, 2 live... yes live chickens and a partridge ina pear tree on the back of a truck for 4 hours in the 100 degree heat that is summer in Mozambique.
5. You blow bubbles for a group of kids and they all run away at first because it's probably the first time they've ever seen such a thing.
7. You open your tent first thing in the morning to find 10 little faces staring at you with their bright curious eyes.
8. Pigs wander through your camp at night.
9. You pray for close to 100 people in one weekend for healing and the majority experience total or partial improvement.
10. Your sitting in church ang you feel that warm sensation.... only to realize that the baby you are holding (who has no diaper) has just peed on your lap!
11. You see "dinner" walk by on a leash and give a farewell "baaa" just a few hours before scooping it onto your plate.

Ahhh... This is life in Africa. Sweet and strange... and never dull!
Blessings my friends!
More later!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Diving Deeper

The Indian ocean is a constant reminder of the immensity of the Love of God and how incomprehensibly huge He is. Every morning as we worship I can look out and see this physical picture He has given us of just how wide, and long, and deep His love is. He is taking me deeper and deeper into this. Intimacy is the theme of this time.... deep.... true.... constant... abiding intimacy with Jesus. I've heard stories that blew my mind of the intimacy that some experience.... opening my spiritual eyes further to this unseen realm that we were created to live in. We who are born of Spirit and called strangers in this world... Jesus says, we are not OF this world.... and elsewhere Paul says that we are citizens of Heaven. So I'm learning what it is to be a citizen... an ambassador or Heaven here on earth. I'm learning that it is all about Intimacy with the Father, with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit. As we become one with Him... His presence and all the reality of Heaven goes with us where ever we go. It is THIS Presence and NOT our strength... ability... or wisdom that CHANGES LIVES.
Pray that the Lord will expand my capacity to absorb all He wants to pour into me in these next few weeks..... it's intense and can be exhausting at times..... but it is all beautiful!
love you all and I hope to share more later!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Beautiful Journey through the Fire into the Heart of God

It could be described as a spiritual journey, a pilgrimage, a baptism by fire, or even
“Survivor”- The Mozambique Edition…
A 6 day trip with 100 people crammed into the beds of three Camions (Trucks) careening across the African Plain… in the open air, under the hot sun….and of course, surrounded by angels of grace, mercy and protection the whole way.
At times it was incredibly beautiful….like singing African worship songs as we watched the red hot globe of the sun sink into the horizon, or greeting the hundreds of children that ran along the side of the truck as we drove through the villages of round mud huts and thatched roofs, and the beautifully unique mounds of rock that rose hundreds of feet above the plain like huge fingers reaching out of the earth, or the multitude of stars dancing overhead as we drove on and on into the night.
At times it was very stretching …. Like when we had been driving for 10 hous and one of our trucks got a flat tire and we had to camp with 50 tents in the back of a police station at 2am only to break camp at 5am to move on before it got too hot, or driving on pothole ridden dirt roads perching on a tiny travel pillow, being covered in red dirt, sunscreen and the sweat of the person sitting next to you!, or when the sun was beating down on us with so much heat we thought we would burst into flames at any minute!!....
Oh… but the eternal fruit that comes from such a journey!!
The fruit of 100 hearts that began as almost complete strangers from 19 different countries being bonded together in the heat of adversity… to be introducing your self one hour and sleeping on the person’s shoulder the next, to pray and cry together, laughing and pouring water on each other, piling our legs a top of others so much that we’re not sure who’s leg is who’s… listening to testimony after testimony of God’s goodness in the lives of those around you…prophesying into eachother’s lives and over the villages that we drove through.. these were all beautiful things.
There were also fruits of thankfulness, patience, humility, kindness, joyfulness and praise in difficult circumstances, honor and submission to authority, long suffering and sooo many others.
And that was just the JOURNEY. The conference was also incredible… I could write many blogs about the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness to pour out His love and power on these people…including me. The presence of the Lord was powerful and intense as we worshipped alongside hundreds of our African brothers and sisters. They were sooo hungry for a touch from God, so open to His word and His power, soo desperate for His presence. Revival came to this city and the fire is just beginning.. Many were saved, many were healed both physically and spiritually. I had the opportunity to look into the eyes of a blind man who saw for the first time by the Power for the name of Jesus… I was able to pray for a deaf woman and watch the smile grow on her face as she heard for the first time. I too received prayer for an anointing from the Holy Spirit to walk in more power and He began a work of deep inner healing of my broken heart as I received a gift of JOY from the Lord like I’ve never experience… laughing harder than I have for a long time.
We definitely received far more than we gave as we were overwhelmed by the love and generosity of the church who hosted us… they are truly a people that walk and meet with God intimately and who expect Him to move in power in their lives and in their city. It is incredible to be in a place where being overwhelmed by the presence of God is normal, where miracles are expected and where daily transformation before the Throne of our King is a way of life. He truly is alive and worthy to be praised!!
I am falling deeper and deeper in love with Him each day.

So thank you for your faithful prayers and support… I am truly blessed. The Lord has been good to me. Celebrating my birthday in the back of a truck with 25 other people was supernaturally glorious and it was the best day of the trip by far. God even gave us clouds the whole way!!! It was the best birthday gift! And for those of you that prayed that I wouldn’t be motion-sick …. THANK YOU!! I had the blessing of not being sick at all!! Thank you again… until next time my sweet friends and family!!! Let me know how I can be praying for you!